

If you want to give mhost a quick spin and just try it out without too much hassle, you might want to try the Docker image:

$ docker run lukaspustina/mhost:latest mhost l


You can add this repository as a custom tap and then install mhost like this:

$ brew tap lukaspustina/mhost
$ brew install lukaspustina/mhost/mhost

Debian and Ubuntu#

You can find Debian packages on the GitHub Release page. Download the package as mhost.deb and the run

$ dpkg -i mhost.deb

Redhat and Fedora#

You can find RPM packages on the GitHub Release page. Download the package as mhost.rpm and the run

$ rpm -i mhost.rpm

For Rust Developers#

$ cargo install --features app mhost

From Source#

Please install Rust via rustup and then run

$ git clone
$ cd mhost
$ make install